Benefits & Financial Planning

Questions about working while receiving Social Security benefits?

Contact a work incentives benefit specialist.  

Disability Benefit     Specialists

Disability Benefit Specialists (DBS) help adults with disabilities answer questions and solve problems related to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, and other public and private benefits.

You can get help from the DBS if you:

With permission, family, friends and caregivers can also talk to your benefit specialist.

Help is free and confidential!  

Contact our local benefit specialist at the 

Aging & Disability Resource Center of La Crosse County 

608-785-5700 / 1-800-500-3910

Live outside of La Crosse County?  Find your county/tribe's benefit specialist here

What type of benefits can I get help with? 

What can a disability benefit specialist do?

Special Needs Trust

Wispact offers two types of Special Needs Trusts: the Self-Funded Trust and the Third-Party Trust. These Special Needs Trusts will not be counted as an available asset, and disbursements from them will not be counted as income under the rules that apply to SSI and Medicaid. 

ABLE Tax-Advantaged Savings Accounts

ABLE accounts allow qualified individuals with disabilities to save money in a tax-exempt account that may be used for qualified disability expenses (QDE) while keeping their eligibility for federally-funded, means-tested public benefits. 

Quantum Group is a comprehensive financial planning firm that focuses on traditional and special needs planning for individuals, families, and employers.   Our group guides clients through the following areas that  surround self-advocacy and/or caregiving.

Office: 608-784-4180   Email:

Understanding ABLE Accounts 01.17.2021.pdf

For more "transition talks" like this, visit:

Financial planning discussions can be very important conversations for parents to have with the IEP team.  Joe Dettwiller shares best practices from his years of experience working collaboratively with families  as they plan for  financial security and independence for their young adult with a disability.